Sunday, October 18, 2015

Solution to Jack Crook's Memory Analysis Challenge

Jack Crook tweeted last month about a memory analysis challenge he put together:
I had prior access to this image and originally put all my analysis findings in a Word document. I finally got around to transferring it to my blog. I apologize for any formatting errors - it's a pain to transfer well-formatted word processing documents to a blog post.


The investigation of this host was initiated based on a Windows batch file being created in the C:\Windows directory. This host was at IP address; any IP addresses not on the 192.168.56.x network are considered external to this host.


On 6/11/2015, an attacker at IP address connected to the Apache Tomcat server on this host and logged in with default Tomcat credentials. The attacker then uploaded a web shell to the server that gave him the ability to execute system commands and upload additional files with Tomcat’s SYSTEM level access.  The attacker uploaded the Windows Credential Editor (WCE) tool and a Windows batch file, then created a Windows scheduled task to execute the batch file, which in turn executed WCE. Credentials for a single administrator account were dumped to a file on the server in a web-accessible directory, and the attacker retrieved this file via an HTTP GET request. No lateral movement to other internal machines was identified, so it is believed this web server was the only machine compromised in this attack. All attacker activity took place on 6/11/2015.

Technical Details

Image md5 hash 

$ md5sum WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw

Volatility imageinfo output

$ –f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw imaginfo
Determining profile based on KDBG search...

          Suggested Profile(s) : VistaSP1x86, Win2008SP1x86, Win2008SP2x86, VistaSP2x86
                     AS Layer1 : IA32PagedMemory (Kernel AS)
                     AS Layer2 : FileAddressSpace (/lr/users/mgregory/WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw)
                      PAE type : No PAE
                           DTB : 0x122000L
                          KDBG : 0x8190ac98
          Number of Processors : 1
     Image Type (Service Pack) : 2
                KPCR for CPU 0 : 0x8190b800
             KUSER_SHARED_DATA : 0xffdf0000
           Image date and time : 2015-06-11 22:29:32 UTC+0000
     Image local date and time : 2015-06-11 18:29:32 -0400

Attacker Activity

Initial access.

Based on Apache access logs found in memory strings, the attacker first accessed the web server on June 8th at 18:08:45 and last accessed it on June 11th at 18:27:51: 

$ grep -C10 "58\.64\.141\.245" strings
346077722 - - [08/Jun/2015:19:38:12 -0400] "GET /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 404 969
210019860 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:27:51 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&downfile=C%3A%5Cinetpub%5Cwwwroot%5Csm.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 97

However, the attacker still may have accessed the web server before or after these times since these logs were resident in memory and may not reflect all logs or system activity.

It appears the attacker obtained initial access by logging into a web-facing Apache Tomcat portal with default Tomcat credentials:

525512804 Accept: */*
525512817 Referer:
525512882 Accept-Language: en-us
525512906 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
525512983 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
525513015 Host:
525513041 Connection: Keep-Alive
525513065 Cookie: JSESSIONID=D4BB0A17D08FE321DF87835231D79824
525513123 \nection: Keep-Alive
525513145 Cookie: JSESSIONID=9E2D9B938AD0C27816C03A5CA54F9515
525513198 Authorization: Basic dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA==

The highlighted base64 encoded data in the above HTTP header decodes to the default Tomcat credentials of tomcat:tomcat:

$ echo "dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA==" | base64 -d

Web shell uploaded.

Next, the attacker uploaded a web shell called “jsp File Browser version 1.2”, likely via the Tomcat interface. Fragments of the web shell are resident in memory as seen below, where you can identify specific commands being executed, such as "dir" and "sort":

$ egrep -i -C20 "jsp file browser" strings.sorted
196513988       out.write("\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sort\" value=\"");
196514130       out.print(sortMode);
196514186       out.write("\">\n");
196514240       out.write("\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"command\" value=\"\">\n");
196514398       out.write("\t\t<input title=\"Launch command in current directory\" type=\"Submit\" class=\"button\" id=\"but_Lau\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"");
196514700       out.print(LAUNCH_COMMAND);
196515250       out.write("\t\t<small>jsp File Browser version ");
196515366       out.print( VERSION_NR);
196515428       out.write(" by <a href=\"\"></a></small>\n");
196515612       out.write("\t</center>\n");
196515682       out.write("</body>\n");
196515744       out.write("</html>");
517899879 <body><center>
517899894 <h2>(L)aunch external program</h2><br />
517899935 <form action="/webfiles/" method="Post">
517899976 <textarea name="text" wrap="off" cols="85" rows="30" readonly>
517900040 06:25 PM
517900052 </textarea>
517900064     <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot">
517900125     <br /><br />
517900139     <table class="formular">
517900165     <tr><td title="Enter your command">
517900202     Command: <input size="80" type="text" name="command" value="">
517900266     </td></tr>
517900278     <tr><td><input class="button" type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Launch">
517900353     <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="1">
517900398     <input type="Submit" class="button" name="Submit" value="Cancel"></td></tr>
517900475     </table>
517900485     </form>
517900494     <br />
517900502     <hr>
517900508     <center>
517900518             <small>jsp File Browser version 1.2 by <a href=""></a></small>
517900622     </center>
517900633     </center>
517900644 </body>
517900652 </html>
517900660 /html>
517900670             <input type="file" class="textfield" onKeypress="event.cancelBubble=true;" name="myFile">
517900762             <input title="Upload selected file to the current working directory" type="Submit" class="button" name="Submit" value="Upload"
517900891             onClick="javascript:popUp('/webfiles/')">
517900935     </form>
517900948     <form class="formular2" action="/webfiles/" method="POST">
517901011             <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="C:\Windows">
517901065             <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="1">
517901111             <input type="hidden" name="command" value="">
517901159             <input title="Launch command in current directory" type="Submit" class="button" id="but_Lau" name="Submit" value="(L)aunch external program">
517901303     </form>
517901312     </div> 

This web shell is available at and has a default file name of “Browser.jsp”; however, the Volatility filescan plugin did not detect this file, and it was not located in the MFT. As seen below, this file name was resident in memory as a string that is also found in the web shell downloaded from the above link, but only in reference to code within the JSP file itself and not actually designating a file:

$ grep –i “browser\.jsp” strings.sorted
61628190         *      @param browserLink web-path to Browser.jsp
63058164                                //If this dir also do also not exist, go back to browser.jsp root path

Strings output and the MFT listing show a number of other JSP files in the Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\webfiles\ directory; however, none of these files were resident in memory so they could not be dumped to see if the attacker simply renamed the web shell. Later HTTP access from the attacker’s IP address to the webfiles directory further indicates this is the location of his web shell. Pivoting off this directory in strings output and the MFT identified a Java Web Application Archive (.war) being deployed on the server at approximately 18:07 (22:07 UTC):

$ grep -i "webfiles" strings.sorted
99623387 INFO: Deploying web application archive C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\webfiles.war
99623578 INFO: Deployment of web application archive C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\webfiles.war has finished in 190 ms

$ grep -i "webfiles" mactimeline.csv
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:07:04,368,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48015,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\webfiles.war (Offset: 0x286c00)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:07:04,368,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48015,"[MFT STD_INFO] Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\webfiles.war (Offset: 0x286c00)"

Based on this information, it is possible, if not likely, the attacker deployed the web shell via webfiles.war, which in turn was probably uploaded via the Apache Tomcat interface.

Batch file created.

A file named 12.bat was created in C:\Windows on 20150611 at 18:12 (22:12 UTC):

$ grep "12.bat" mactimeline.csv
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:12:16,288,macb,---a-----------,0,0,47995,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Windows\12.bat (Offset: 0x11089650)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:12:16,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,47995,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Windows\12.bat (Offset: 0x11d06c00)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:12:16,288,macb,---a-----------,0,0,47995,"[MFT STD_INFO] Windows\12.bat (Offset: 0x11089650)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:12:16,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,47995,"[MFT STD_INFO] Windows\12.bat (Offset: 0x11d06c00)"

The file 12.bat was located in memory and executes a command line utility when executed:

# Find 12.bat physical offset with filescan plugin
$ –f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw filescan | grep "12.bat"
0x1ee373f8      8      0 -W-rw- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\12.bat

# Dump 12.bat with dumpfiles plugin using physical offset
$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw dumpfiles -Q 0x1ee373f8 -D .
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
DataSectionObject 0x1ee373f8   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\12.bat

# get 12.bat hash
$ md5sum file.None.0x8362e730.dat
38f76497a613a14a7600695300e12ce1  file.None.0x8362e730.dat

# View contents of 12.bat
$ cat file.None.0x8362e730.dat
@echo off
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg -e -o c:\inetpub\wwwroot\sm.gif

As seen above, the 12.bat batch file executes a file located in the web server’s web-accessible directory named bg.jpg, followed by command line parameters –e and –o, and finally a path to a file named sm.gif in the same directory. At one point it looks like the attacker checked for the presence of this file before later possibly uploading it via a POST:

$ egrep -i -C20 "12\.bat" strings.sorted
9901378 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:16 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?first&uplMonitor=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5C12.bat HTTP/1.1" 200 865

Scheduled task created.

The fact that bg.jpg was launched as a scheduled task is further indicated by the fact bg.jpg is a child process of cmd.exe, which in turn is a child process of taskeng.exe (see pstree output above). The scheduled task (At job) was resident in memory:

# the highlighted “0” exit code indicates the command was successful
$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw filescan | grep -i "At1.job"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
0x1f297ad8      8      0 -W-r-d \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\Tasks\At1.job

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw dumpfiles -Q 0x1f297ad8 -D .
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
DataSectionObject 0x1f297ad8   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\Tasks\At1.job

$ strings -el file.None.0x8363fd10.dat
Created by NetScheduleJobAdd.

Strings ouput of At1.job (file.None.0x8363fd10.dat) shows that this scheduled task is set to execute the 12.bat file with SYSTEM credentials, which in turn executes bg.jpg (WCE). Windows Task Scheduler errored out when trying to open this At job to view the actual time the job was scheduled to run, although further metadata could possibly be parsed with a script written to interpret the file format (I tried Harlan Carvey’s script, but that too had errors and was unsuccessful). This shows how the attacker was able to execute bg.jpg. It’s not entirely clear how the attacker was able to run tasking.exe or at.exe to create the At job in the first place, but it was likely via system command execution either via the Tomcat interface or the attacker’s web shell. There were no at.exe command line arguments found.

The Windows Task Scheduler log (Schedlgu.txt) was also resident in memory; however, it contained no record of executing 12.bat or bg.jpg:

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw filescan | grep -i "schedlgu.txt"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
0x1f22da78     10      1 RW-r-- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw dumpfiles -Q 0x1f22da78 -D .
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
DataSectionObject 0x1f22da78   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT
SharedCacheMap 0x1f22da78   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT

$ cat file.None.0x8322d7e0.dat | grep -i "bg\.jpg|12\.bat"

Credentials dumped.

The file bg.jpg is a running process based on pstree output. It was executed with the same command line arguments found in 12.bat:

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw pstree -v | grep -C10 bg\.jpg
..... 0x8362fca0:bg.jpg                              3580   3572      1     61 2015-06-11 22:25:00 UTC+0000
         audit: \Device\HarddiskVolume1\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg
         cmd: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg  -e -o c:\inetpub\wwwroot\sm.gif
         path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg

bg.jpg was also located in memory and is actually the Windows Credential Editor (WCE) tool:

# find bg.jpg physical offset
$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw filescan | grep "bg.jpg"
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
0x1ede1ba0      8      0 -W-rw- \Device\HarddiskVolume1\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg
0x1f2dc170      7      0 R--r-d \Device\HarddiskVolume1\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg

# dump bg.jpg using physical offset
$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw dumpfiles -Q 0x1f2dc170 -D .
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
ImageSectionObject 0x1f2dc170   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg
DataSectionObject 0x1f2dc170   None   \Device\HarddiskVolume1\inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg

# verify file type
$ file file.None.0x8362fb20.img
file.None.0x8362fb20.img: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

# get md5 hash of file
$ md5sum file.None.0x8362fb20.img
0bfb070177356c0905f013416aba1af1  file.None.0x8362fb20.img

# strings in file indicate this is the WCE tool
$ strings file.None.0x8362fb20.img
something terrible happened! could not allocate memory for new list!
WCE %s (Windows Credentials Editor) - (c) 2010,2011,2012 Amplia Security - by Hernan Ochoa (
Use -h for help.
        -l              List logon sessions and NTLM credentials (default).
                        Optional: -r<refresh interval>.
        -s              Changes NTLM credentials of current logon session.
                        Parameters: <UserName>:<DomainName>:<LMHash>:<NTHash>.
        -o              saves all output to a file.

bg.jpg can also be seen in the running processes:

$ –f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw pstree
. 0x83139650:services.exe                             596    520      6    234 2015-06-11 22:05:29 UTC+0000
.. 0x831bb8b8:svchost.exe                             876    596      7    244 2015-06-11 22:05:39 UTC+0000
.. 0x831e5820:svchost.exe                            1012    596     30    781 2015-06-11 22:05:40 UTC+0000
... 0x82a3f530:taskeng.exe                           2448   1012      9    226 2015-06-11 22:27:17 UTC+0000
... 0x83116ad8:wuauclt.exe                           3360   1012      2    142 2015-06-11 22:27:32 UTC+0000
... 0x835913b8:taskeng.exe                           2032   1012      6    141 2015-06-11 22:05:59 UTC+0000
.... 0x830e9d90:cmd.exe                              3572   2032      1     17 2015-06-11 22:25:00 UTC+0000
..... 0x8362fca0:bg.jpg                              3580   3572      1     61 2015-06-11 22:25:00 UTC+0000

Although it is apparent based on strings and command line parameters that the file bg.jpg is the WCE tool, the file’s md5 hash was not found in VirusTotal or via a Google search. Based on the WCE documentation, the command line options used to execute bg.jpg were to continuously dump NTLM credentials (-e option) and to save the dump file to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\sm.gif (-o option).

Dumped credentials retrieved.

The attacker connected to the web server from IP address and retrieved the dumped credentials (sm.gif) via a GET request, as shown in the below Apache log:

210018644 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:27:51 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&downfile=C%3A%5Cinetpub%5Cwwwroot%5Csm.gif HTTP/1.1" 200

Based on the MFT, the first and only access of the file bg.jpg occurred on 20150611 at 18:09 (22:09 UTC):

$ egrep -i -C10 "bg.jpg" mactimeline.csv
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:09:26,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48038,"[MFT FILE_NAME] inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg (Offset: 0x136fa800)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:09:26,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48038,"[MFT FILE_NAME] inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg (Offset: 0x1ef2d800)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:09:26,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48038,"[MFT STD_INFO] inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg (Offset: 0x136fa800)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:09:26,360,macb,---a-----------,0,0,48038,"[MFT STD_INFO] inetpub\wwwroot\bg.jpg (Offset: 0x1ef2d800)"
Thu Jun 11 2015 22:09:55,344,m.c.,---a-----------,0,0,30461,"[MFT STD_INFO] Windows\System32\spool\spooler.xml (Offset: 0x2d66400)"

This correlates to Apache logs showing this file being accessed at 18:09, which appears to be the file being uploaded via a POST request to /webfiles followed by an immediate download via a GET request, likely to verify the upload was successful, which it was as indicated by the 200 response code:

$ egrep -i -C20 "GET|POST" strings.sorted | egrep -i -C10 "bg.jpg"
9900047 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:08:41 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9900141 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:08:45 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&dir=C%3A%5Cinetpub HTTP/1.1" 200 8270
9900250 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:08:45 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9900344 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:08:50 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&dir=C%3A%5Cinetpub%5Cwwwroot HTTP/1.1" 200 8098
9900463 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:08:50 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9900681 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:09:26 -0400] "POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 8973
9900557 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:09:26 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?first&uplMonitor=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5Cbg.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 865
9900681 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:09:26 -0400] "POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 8973
9900765 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:09:26 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9900859 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:09:28 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?uplMonitor=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5Cbg.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 574
9900977 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:11:59 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&dir=C%3A%5C HTTP/1.1" 200 13384
9901080 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:11:59 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9901174 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:01 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?sort=1&dir=C%3A%5CWindows HTTP/1.1" 200 48086
9901284 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:01 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9901378 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:16 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?first&uplMonitor=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5C12.bat HTTP/1.1" 200 865
9901502 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:16 -0400] "POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 48896
9901587 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:16 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?Javascript HTTP/1.1" 200 3714
9901681 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:18 -0400] "GET /webfiles/?uplMonitor=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5C12.bat HTTP/1.1" 200 574
9901799 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:12:42 -0400] "POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2245
9901883 - - [11/Jun/2015:18:13:16 -0400] "POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2278

Windows event logs.

I was able to extract and open the Windows Security event log (*.evtx) from the memory image, but analysis of this log is not included here. The Windows Application and System event logs extracted from the memory image were corrupted, and Windows Event Viewer could not open them (I didn't attempt to parse them with any other tools, such as log2timeline).

Lateral movement.

There were no other internal or external connections identified; therefore, no lateral movement is believed to have occurred. The following is the complete Volatility netscan plugin output showing only the connection from the attacker’s external IP address:

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw netscan
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.3.1
Offset(P)  Proto    Local Address                  Foreign Address      State            Pid      Owner          Created
0x1ed95048 TCPv4                      LISTENING        4        System        
0x1ed95048 TCPv6    :::445                         :::0                 LISTENING        4        System        
0x1edd4848 TCPv4                    LISTENING        596      services.exe  
0x1edd4848 TCPv6    :::49157                       :::0                 LISTENING        596      services.exe  
0x1edd7498 TCPv4                    LISTENING        596      services.exe  
0x1ede2638 TCPv4                     LISTENING        1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1ede2638 TCPv6    :::8009                        :::0                 LISTENING        1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1ede2f60 TCPv4                     LISTENING        1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1ede2f60 TCPv6    :::8080                        :::0                 LISTENING        1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1edf2f60 TCPv4                   LISTENING        1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1f0db3d0 TCPv4                LISTENING        4        System        
0x1f1c0158 TCPv4                      LISTENING        876      svchost.exe   
0x1f1c0158 TCPv6    :::135                         :::0                 LISTENING        876      svchost.exe   
0x1f1c0e70 TCPv4                      LISTENING        876      svchost.exe   
0x1f1c43a0 TCPv4                    LISTENING        520      wininit.exe   
0x1f1c43a0 TCPv6    :::49152                       :::0                 LISTENING        520      wininit.exe   
0x1f1c5008 TCPv4                    LISTENING        520      wininit.exe   
0x1f1df188 TCPv4                    LISTENING        968      svchost.exe   
0x1f1e2eb8 TCPv4                    LISTENING        968      svchost.exe   
0x1f1e2eb8 TCPv6    :::49153                       :::0                 LISTENING        968      svchost.exe   
0x1f22d738 TCPv4                    LISTENING        1012     svchost.exe   
0x1f22e470 TCPv4                    LISTENING        1012     svchost.exe   
0x1f22e470 TCPv6    :::49154                       :::0                 LISTENING        1012     svchost.exe   
0x1f2905b0 TCPv4                    LISTENING        608      lsass.exe     
0x1f291f60 TCPv4                    LISTENING        608      lsass.exe     
0x1f291f60 TCPv6    :::49155                       :::0                 LISTENING        608      lsass.exe     
0x1f2c6758 TCPv4                     LISTENING        4        System        
0x1f2c6758 TCPv6    :::5357                        :::0                 LISTENING        4        System        
0x1f2cea58 TCPv4                    LISTENING        1596     svchost.exe   
0x1f2cea58 TCPv6    :::49156                       :::0                 LISTENING        1596     svchost.exe   
0x1f2d6a48 TCPv4                    LISTENING        1596     svchost.exe   
0x1f30a4f8 TCPv4                       LISTENING        4        System        
0x1f30a4f8 TCPv6    :::80                          :::0                 LISTENING        4        System        
0x1eda4db0 TCPv4    -:8080                  CLOSED           1728     Tomcat7.exe   
0x1edd0cb0 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1edde570 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1edde570 UDPv6    :::3702                        *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1ee01f58 UDPv4                      *:*                                   820      VBoxService.exe 2015-06-11 22:29:05 UTC+0000
0x1ee3bf58 UDPv4                      *:*                                   820      VBoxService.exe 2015-06-11 22:30:30 UTC+0000
0x1ee8dd88 UDPv6    fe80::dd13:57ed:2d56:5b23:546  *:*                                   968      svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:27:10 UTC+0000
0x1ee93ae8 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1160     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:26:21 UTC+0000
0x1f0d1150 UDPv4              *:*                                   4        System         2015-06-11 22:05:25 UTC+0000
0x1f21c3a8 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1184     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:44 UTC+0000
0x1f21c3a8 UDPv6    :::0                           *:*                                   1184     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:44 UTC+0000
0x1f21d510 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1184     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:44 UTC+0000
0x1f21e008 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1184     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:44 UTC+0000
0x1f21e008 UDPv6    :::5355                        *:*                                   1184     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:44 UTC+0000
0x1f25d608 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1f25d608 UDPv6    :::3702                        *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1f2a5518 UDPv4                    *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2a5518 UDPv6    :::500                         *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2ab5f0 UDPv4                    *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2af8c0 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2b1290 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2b1290 UDPv6    :::0                           *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2b1f58 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1012     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:54 UTC+0000
0x1f2d72b8 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1596     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:55 UTC+0000
0x1f2daf58 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1596     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:55 UTC+0000
0x1f2daf58 UDPv6    :::0                           *:*                                   1596     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:55 UTC+0000
0x1f2deaf8 UDPv4                   *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:06:12 UTC+0000
0x1f2dfbb8 UDPv4                  *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:56 UTC+0000
0x1f2e0b50 UDPv4                  *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:56 UTC+0000
0x1f2e0b50 UDPv6    :::55679                       *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:56 UTC+0000
0x1f2e9160 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1f2e9160 UDPv6    :::0                           *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1f2ea008 UDPv4                      *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1f2f9008 UDPv4                    *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1f2f9008 UDPv6    :::123                         *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1f2f9228 UDPv4                    *:*                                   1080     svchost.exe    2015-06-11 22:05:57 UTC+0000
0x1fa2fb40 UDPv4              *:*                                   4        System         2015-06-11 22:05:25 UTC+0000

Other attacker activity.

The following activity attributable to the attacker was also noted:

Executing the Windows time command via the web shell

527519808 POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1
527519834 Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
527519927 Referer:
527519973 Accept-Language: en-us
527519997 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
527520074 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
527520123 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
527520155 Host:
527520181 Content-Length: 95
527520201 Connection: Keep-Alive
527520225 Cache-Control: no-cache
527520250 Cookie: JSESSIONID=D4BB0A17D08FE321DF87835231D79824
527520305 text=06%3A24+PM%0D%0A%0D%0A&dir=C%3A%5Cinetpub%5Cwwwroot&command=time+%2Ft&Submit=Launch&sort=1X

time+%2Ft is the URL-encoded version of time /t, which returns system time in the HH:MM AM|PM format.

Executing the Windows tasklist command via the web shell 

526843968 POST /webfiles/ HTTP/1.1
526843994 Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
526844087 Referer:
526844133 Accept-Language: en-us
526844157 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)
526844234 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
526844283 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
526844315 Host:
526844341 Content-Length: 78
526844361 Connection: Keep-Alive
526844385 Cache-Control: no-cache
526844410 Cookie: JSESSIONID=D4BB0A17D08FE321DF87835231D79824
526844465 text=%0D%0A&dir=C%3A%5Cinetpub%5Cwwwroot&command=tasklist&Submit=Launch&sort=1H

This finding is supported by Volatility pstree output, which shows tasklist.exe running as a child process of cmd.exe, which in turn is a child process of Tomcat7.exe:

$ -f WIN-CEKM08E74HR-20150611-222930.raw pstree
. 0x83139650:services.exe                             596    520      6    234 2015-06-11 22:05:29 UTC+0000
.. 0x832dc560:Tomcat7.exe                            1728    596     28    360 2015-06-11 22:05:56 UTC+0000
... 0x835eba10:cmd.exe                               3604   1728      0 ------ 2015-06-11 22:25:15 UTC+0000
... 0x836407b0:cmd.exe                               3612   1728      0 ------ 2015-06-11 22:25:24 UTC+0000
.... 0x830e2d90:tasklist.exe                         3620   3612      0 ------ 2015-06-11 22:25:24 UTC+0000
... 0x831f3d90:cmd.exe                               3248   1728      0 ------ 2015-06-11 22:21:49 UTC+0000
.... 0x8363c7f0:tasklist.exe                         3256   3248      0 ------ 2015-06-11 22:21:49 UTC+0000